Day 10 to 14


Kenzie Wordy Rapping Hood
Day 10 of 18, 10:50
Saturday 15 January

Housemates were treated to Kenzie's first performance of the 'Big Brother Rap' and boy, did they enjoy it.

Kenzie has been musing on the composition for some time now and felt he was ready to try out his rhymes on the group.

But before he could get started, Kenzie had to wait for Brigitte to finish her sandwich so she could devote all her attention to him.

BrigitteWhen the celebs were finally free from distractions, Kenzie got underway. "It's history, like the youngest ever. But I won't go mad when I'm under pressure," rapped the baby of the House.

Kenzie then went on at length about how popular he is with the ladies and what a fantastic young chap he is. "I just do my ting, moving my bling, I make the club sing from E4 to T4," he informed the celebs.

Concluding "that's just me", Kenzie received an enthusiastic round of applause. "That is so cool," squealed Caprice. "That's serious talent baby," agreed an awestruck Brigitte.

Remember folks, you heard it here first

KenzieNo Good Advice
Day 11 of 18, 05:05
Sunday 16 January

The House became a careers advisory service last night as Jeremy, Bez and Brigitte all pitched in to give Kenzie some direction.

Though they were oddly dressed advisors, in traditional Bavarian costume, Kenzie listened seriously to their words of wisdom - though Bez and Brigitte clashed in some of their guidance.

The former Happy Monday encouraged the teenager to let his talent speak for itself, and not big himself up all the time.

"Just go with the flow," he suggested, "You've got the words - you don't need to shout about yourself."

But Brigitte thought a bit of ego might help him.

"You've gotta push yourself - there's a lot of competition out there," she asserted.

"Hey, if you get with [rapper] Flava Flav," she added, "You'll hear nothing else and that's what made the man."

BrigitteKenzie explained that the performance he gave yesterday was a 'battle' rap - where you 'rap down' an opponent.

"[Some] raps are big-headed - but that's not me," he assured them.

The Kenzie improvement session continued with Jeremy urging him not to play 'who's the bigger man?' games.

"Longevity will gain you respect," he said, so wisely, "If you're around for long enough people will end up taking their hats off to you whether they like it or not."

Bombarded with constructive criticism from his three Bavarian drinking partners, Kenzie neverthless appreciated it.

"That's what makes me better," he bubbled. "I need to excel and think of new things to write about - 'cos I've talked about me so much and there's a whole world to talk about."

Now get into the bathroom and clean behind your ears, young man

Caprice has had John on her mind all evening and during a quiet patch she decided it was time to have it out with him.

Ever since returning from her "secret room" task Caprice has had something on her mind, and that something seems to have been John. So, as he may be evicted later tonight she decided to confront him about it.

Asking what he had against her Caprice found it hard not to interrupt and listen to his reply calmly, telling him he had no right to judge him, especially as he had only known her for a week. When eventually given a chance to speak John explained that he felt she was totally obsessed with money, something exemplified by the speech she gave during yesterdays Hollywood Walk of Fame task when her speech consisted of, in his words, a commercial for her lingerie company, her using any opportunity to increase her sales. Unable to settle the issue the matter was left hanging.

Within minutes another spat followed in it's footsteps, this time between Jackie and Lisa, with Jackie calling the DJ a "non bloomer".

Obviously forgetting their not so pleasant words about the two nominees, Caprice and Lisa retreated to the spa area to lick each others wounds.

With either John or Jackie leaving the house later, which of the girls will be relieved of their antagonist?

Despite knowing she will be leaving one way or another later tonight the atmosphere between Jackie and the other housemates is decidedly frosty, with the earlier disagreement between her and Lisa spilling over to the lunch table and the other housemates.

Already in a bad mood Jackie further upset any remaining equilibrium at lunch today (eaten at 4pm) by asking "What the hell is this?" when presented with the meal cooked by Brigitte. Not surprisingly this provoked further bickering between her, Lisa and John, with normally placid Jeremy also getting involved.

So when Jackie was called to the diary room to collect two bottles of wine for with dinner she played payback by only offering a glass to her "mates", Brigitte, Bez and and "sonny" Kenzie. She then requested that Bez hide the remaining wine for only him and Kenzie to consume. Ever the peacemake Bez made it as clear as Bez can that if she gave it to him he would share it with whom he pleased. However, whether Jackie understood him is a different matter.

What is clear though is who Jackie considers friends and who are now sworn enemies.

Kenzie morningNot Such Morning Glory
Day 9 of 18, 11:00
Friday 14 January

Housemates faced a noisy start to the morning when Jackie refused to budge from her bed.

Big Brother continued to blare out the alarms even though the rest of the group were awake. While the group managed to tolerate the ice cream van's jingle, Kenzie began to crack when the drills kicked in.

Leaning over in his bed he began to thump on the wall of Jackie's room. "It's annoying! Everyone else is up," he seethed. Unfortunately, Jackie didn't stir from her slumbers.

The alarms continued with the sounds of barking booming through the House. This time Jeremy decided to take a stand rapping on the window to Jackie's room. "UP! Get UP!" he snarled. This time Jackie did actually acknowledge the request only to turn over again.

Jeremy decided he had no choice but to go in and rouse her from the land of nod. As he stood in the doorway explaining she must stop her snoozing, a furious Kenzie shouted, "Don't the dogs give you a little hint?"

After being congratulated by all for his efforts, Jeremy left the bedroom thinking his work was done. But minutes later a fog horn blasted out and Jackie was still sprawled out in bed.

Kenzie admitted defeat and stalked off to the kitchen, leaving Brigitte and Caprice to marvel at Jackie's determination to doze.

"I can't believe how much she sleeps," gasped Brigitte. "I envy that," admitted Caprice.

It looks like Jackie's catching up on more than 40 winks.

Remember, this week you are voting to save the housemate you want to remain in the house. The housemate with the least votes when the lines close will be evicted.

Snorin' Squad
Day 9 of 18, 07:00
Friday 14 January

Kenzie managed to wake Jeremy with some earth shattering snoring last night.

The baby-faced musician might make sweet music when he's awake, but at night he makes the sound of a pig with a foghorn. Jeremy actually had to wake his friend up and tell him to put a sock in it during the early hours of the morning.

"Kenzie, stop snoring," whispered Jeremy to his friend after shaking him into consciousness.

"Sorry man," murmured Kenzie, momentarily waking from slumber and rolling over.

You'd expect this level of noise pollution from a man of John's years and stature, but Kenzie's loud snoring doesn't seem to fit with his physical appearance.

In his defence, Kenzie claims that he only snores when he's "battered". Germaine noted on Day 3: "You snore really loudly when you're [drunk]."

But in fact Kenzie's noisy snoring has broken the silence of the bedroom on every night he's been in the House.

Surely he couldn't have been 'battered' every night?

 Lasting Impression
Day 8 of 18, 19:00
Thursday 13 January

Jeremy has proved what a gentleman he is, by selflessly agreeing to rub Vaseline into Caprice's boobs.

The generous deed followed Big Brother's announcement that the housemates were going to create their very own Sunset Boulevard-style Walk Of Fame by making moulds of their most famous body parts.

Although Jeremy had quite enough to worry about what with making a mould of his 'famous' finger, he gallantly put his business to one side in order to prepare his blonde chum's bosoms for the mud dip.

Smiling like a man who's just, well, greased up a supermodel's breasts, Jeremy giggled as Caprice lowered her twin peaks into an everlasting imprint.

While the other housemates set about immortalising their own bodily parts - Brigitte also opted to mould her boobs, John, Jackie and Kenzie their hands, and Lisa and Bez their feet - Jeremy prepared to mould his finger and make his walk of fame speech.

The generous deed followed Big Brother's announcement that the housemates were going to create their very own Sunset Boulevard-style Walk Of Shame by making moulds of their most famous body parts.

He graciously thanked Caprice "for letting me help", and won a round of applause when he remarked that Brigitte's breast imprint could double up as a fruit bowl.

KenzieNeither Brigitte nor Kenzie were quite so sure. And despite the fact that the former had spent the previous few hours bickering with John, she insisted that he was there to stay for the time being.

"We have a lot of fun," she maintained, while Kenzie agreed that having John around was "a laugh". "You're not going," he predicted.

John took the compliment in typical fashion, by announcing that he didn't care what they thought.

"I don't care for any of you. I'm not going to see any of you again. I'll not go out of my way to speak to you or get you to my house," he replied.

What a charmer.